1. In situations that packages are picked-up directly by the shipping company insender’s domicile, T-LLEGA INTERNATIONAL would not beresponsible for any discrepancy in articles, merchandise value, and any otherdetail declared by the sender, once the packages arrive their destiny.
  2. In situations when T-LLEGA INTERNATIONAL makes quality control andreports the receiver that the merchandise is in 100% good conditions, TLLEGA INTERNATIONAL would not be responsible for any damage orlost items that could occur to the package in its international transit. In anycase, we would assist the sender or receiver, whoever applies, in the processof claiming the insurance amount from the damaged articles. In addition, toproceed with any insurance claim, the receiver would have to send to TLLEGA INTERNATIONAL pictures, videos and any kind of proof that thepackage and articles were delivered in poor conditions.
  3. All data provided by the sender or receiver to the creation of the Air Waybillis a sworn declaration. T-LLEGA INTERNATIONAL would not beresponsible for any erroneous information.
  4. In situations that packages are picked-up directly by the shipping company insender’s domicile, T-LLEGA INTERNATIONAL would not be responsiblefor any differences in volume once the shipping company does the finalverification of the package. In the case that a package has more volume thanwas previously declared, the difference would be charged to the sender,receiver, whoever applies.
  5. Fees. Our fees are established in USD, any currency exchange to Argentinianpesos, Chilean pesos, among other, would be performed taking intoconsideration the exchange rates of the day provided by “Banco de la NaciónArgentina”. Considering the impossibility of foresee the macroeconomicvariants that may occur in Argentina in the period of time since the approvalof the quote to the final delivery in destiny, our fees could be modified if thereis a significant change in Argentina inlfation/devaluation values. If that mayoccur, we would contact the client in order to bill any difference.
  6. Past 15 days once the packaging was finished and final price wascommunicated to the beneficiary by T-LLEGA INTERNATIONAL, ifthere is no payment by then, there will be a extra daily charge of 5 USD inconcept of “Storage Cost”.
  7. Past 60 days once the packaging was finished and final price wascommunicated to the beneficiary by T-LLEGA INTERNATIONAL, Ifthere is no reception of any “Storage Cost” payment, We would communicatethe client that the merchandise will be translated to a fiscal warehoure or othertype of storage of the beneficiary in concept of abandonment.
  8. T-LLEGA INTERNATIONAL would not be responsible for any additionalcharge in destiny for a change in direction or other special services requiredby the receiver, in case those cases, we would notify the beneficiary to coverthat cost.